How to solve error code in chart name

how to solve error code in chart name, I mean chartname at bottom of the chart, always shows unreadable codes. how to correct it?

my language is chinese, there are so many unreadable codes in Scadabr, some i can correct it by myself throught the file “”, but some error code I can’t handle it, for example, above chartname.
i know i should put utf-8 in some files, but where and how to make it?

hello, my inglsh is not well, i speak better in french, is very normal the language java use the Unicode, to default, i think that you go need look for, how to change the unicade UTF8 to a new unicode to your country.If you don’t get a setup on the settings of ScadaBR, i think that you make a new compilation and you will change the unicode.When a getting time i go make this.
sorry for my ingles.

I remember that ScadaBR use a browser(Chrome,Internet Explore,Firefox,etc) and this Browse you can change the format Unicode.

The problem is not all Chinese word shows error codes, only the bottom of the chart shows unreadable codes. In other place, it shows correctly.
I want to know which .java file need to be modified before make compilation.
And, I use lastest version Chrome, I have already set language to Chinese.