Uso de datapoint in javascript pagina

Y "la posibilidad de cargar el valor de un punto de datos en una variable creada en una página personalizada en javascript tener xid?

Gracia a todos


I did this test using Custom View: (view:staticPoint Xid"DP____")
<h1>Custom View Example</h1>
    <td align="right" style="padding-right:20px">A point value:</td>
    <td><view:staticPoint xid="DP_172310" disabledValue="(disabled)"/></td>
 var a; 
 a="<view:staticPoint xid='DP_172310'/>";


The string variable is loaded correctly inside a except when contained character CR (16x0A) or character " because obviously there is an error in the script
There is' a way to replace these characters with escape characters (eg. \n)?
I tried to change util.js in dwr but I could not get anything.
Tank you