I'm having some problems in configuring an HTTP Retriever datapoint (alphanumeric datatype) which I would set as timestamp.
The line of file which contains the information to extract is:
Current Inverter date/time: 15-Nov-2012 09:38:45
The Value RegEx I'm using is:
Current Inverter date/time:[\s+\s](\d+-.+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d[^ \s])
As Time RegEx I'm using:
(\d+-.+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d[^ \s])
And as Time format:
dd:MMM:yyyy hh:mm:ss
But this configuration seems to be wrong; testing that parameter I'm obtaining the message:
Failed to parse time "15-Nov-2012 09:38:45"
Where is the error please?