Tabela de Histórico na View

Novo Script para Servidor para a View com histórico de um datapoint qualquer:

Insira um Script para servidor, e coloque o código abaixo:

/* @license MIT */

// Data points included in history (ID or XID)
var points = [ ];
var limite = 15;
// History period (select time unit above)
var time_period = 2;

// History time unit:
// 0 → minutes
// 1 → hours
// 2 → days
var time_unit = 1;

// Change SimpleDateFormat time pattern (advanced!)
var time_pattern = “yyyy-MM-dd KK:mm a”;


// Convert time to milliseconds
time_unit = time_unit > 2 ? 2 : time_unit;
var units = [ 60000, 3600000, 43200000];
var startTime = new Date().getTime() - (time_period * units[time_unit]);

var html=“”;
// Create HTML
html += "

html += createFinalCSV();
html += “

return html;

//// Functions

// Create final CSV file content
function createFinalCSV() {
var csv = “Data sourceData pointValueTime”;

for (var i in points) {
  var pointInfo = getDataPointInfo(points[i]);
  csv += createCSVHistory(pointInfo, startTime);

return csv;


// Create CSV history for each data point specified
function createCSVHistory(point, startTime) {
var pvDAO = new;
var history = pvDAO.getPointValues(, startTime);
var sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(time_pattern);

var length = history.size() - 1;

var linha = “”;

var alength=length;
if (length>limite) alength=limite;

for (var i = alength; i >= 0; i–) {
var data = “”+ point.source + “” + + “” + history.get(i).value + “” + sdf.format(history.get(i).time)+“”;
linha += data ;

return linha;


// Get data point information (id, xid, point name and data source name)
function getDataPointInfo(identifier) {
var dpDAO = new;
var dp = dpDAO.getDataPoint(identifier);

var pointId = dp.getId();
var pointXid = String(dp.getXid());
var pointName = String(dp.getName());
var sourceName = String(dp.getDataSourceName());
return { id: pointId, xid: pointXid, name: pointName, source: sourceName };


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