Reading serial output from an Arduino


As a test project, I’ve got an Arduino device plugged in via USB which appears as COM7. The device is an Arduino wireless transceiver which is receiving the data from a remote Arduino sensor via 915MHz radio.

The output of the device on my serial-monitor looks like:

OK 34 216
-> ack

Where 216 is the value I wish to sample as a datapoint.

I’ve got ScadaBR setup with the serial monitor libraries, and I can see COM7. I’m confused as to what all the options to set for the datasource and datapoint.

I’ve added Datasource:

ASCII Serial
Data Bits:8 Stop:1 Parity: None (this is correct)
Update: 10 seconds
Quantize: No
Stop Mode: ?
Number of Characters ?
Initialization String?

Data type: Numeric?
Value regex?
Custom Timestamp?

ASCII Serial protocol, is intended for simple communication usually for weighing balance, multimeter, etc…Only reads data.
The Arduino not come with any protocol, must programming a protocol. You you can use the ModbusRTU protocol that would be more complete than the ASCII Serial, which can be downloaded here:

On the port settings leave as default.

“Data type: Numeric?”

Numeric = analog
Binary = digital

I’ll try modbus-rtu for Arduino, but there is a problem with Arduino IDE 1.0, I’ve asked the developer to see if it can be fixed.

Why can’t I use ASCII serial?

For a test I only want to measure one value.

Can you provide any help as to how to set the datasource and datapoint to read an ASCII serial datapoint from an Arduino?

Yes you can use if for only read data. In general, a device that uses ASCII protocol send data continuously, I did a pseudocode:

While {
IF (output_1 == 1) {
SerialOut = “1”
Delay_ms = 1000
ELSE IF (output_1 == 0) {
SerialOut = “0”
Delay_ms = 1000
This example is for you to read a digital output.

The option Command in ASCII in DataSource is for you to start sending data in device/microcontroller Ex:

IF (serial_in == “1” ) { // This data is send when starting Tomcat and will be sent only once.
Set = 1
While (Set = 1) {
IF (output_1 == 1){
SerialOut = “1”
Delay_ms = 1000
ELSE IF (output_1 == 0) {
SerialOut = “0”
Delay_ms = 1000

The option Command in ASCII in DataPoint is for you to start sending data, but controlled by Uptime (request) Ex:

IF (serial_in == “1” ) { // This data is sent when starting Tomcat and will be sent periodically in accordance with Uptime;
IF (output_1 == 1){
SerialOut = “1”
Delay_ms = 1000
ELSE IF (output_1 == 0) {
SerialOut = “0”
Delay_ms = 1000

Use the first example for testing, regex is to extract part of a string you will not use for the Arduino, leave as default.


I already have a app running in arduino that communicates with ASCII requests.
I’m trying to config ScadaBr to read the data of my 6 analog ports.
First I’ve setup the com port, wich works fine via USB. Then I add the 6 datapoints each one with a diferent request string. Using a serial monitor I found out that the ScadaBR writes this request:

The problem that I’m heaving is that I can make ScadaBR understand the difference between values. It always put the same values to all data points.
I’ve try diferent stopping characters in diferent positions, like:
1023|1023|500|500|100|1023X - Using X only one at the end
1023X1023X500X500X100X1023X - Using X all the times
I’ve try timeouts as well.

Well fellas, what can you say to help me with this issue. Anything will be most welcome!
Best of luck