Junho 30, 2014, 11:54am
I have installed scadabr but when i type the http://localhost:8080/ScadaBR/ , it does not run. I get a message ;
HTTP Status 404 - /ScadaBR/
type Status report
message /ScadaBR/
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/8.0.9
thanks for your help.
Have you "deployed" the application in tomcat? If yes, you need to start it. If not do it.
Are you using linux or windows?
Julho 1, 2014, 7:56am
i think that i have deployed app because i pasted ScadaBR.war file into webapps. When I run startup.bat (tomcat/bin), it try to deploy automatically. I saw the error in start up process, "Error listenerStart" and after two line "[/ScadaBr] startup failed due to previous errors" I use win7 but also tried in xp.
thansk for help.
Try using Tomcat Web Application Manager:
There is a button to choose your war file and deploy it. After this you can "manage" and start it. All user friendly GUI.
Unfortunately (or not) I don't use M$ Windows and some details I can't check.
Julho 2, 2014, 10:45am
I have tried it but it didn't run. I get a message "FAIL - Application at context path /ScadaBR could not be started "
thanks for your help
Julho 2, 2014, 1:00pm
Now i have tried it on ubuntu 14.04 and got same message "FAIL - Application at context path /ScadaBR could not be started"
I am using apache-tomcat-8.0.9 and jdk1.8.0_05.
What is your suggestion?
Thanks gor your help.
I'm in the same situation as you.
I have started a Bug Report on Debian system:
And will try to get help in portuguese.
If I receive a positive feedback, I let you know.
Julho 5, 2014, 9:31am
I will be really appreciated if I find a solution for installation.
thanks for your interest
I have the same problem
type Status report
message /ScadaBR/
d escription The requested resource is not available.
FAIL - Application at context path /ScadaBR could not be started
Did you find solutions for this problem?
I had the same problem using Tomcat 7.0.28 from the raspian repos. This is apparently a bug in Tomcat which is resolved in version 7.0.30. Manually installing version 7.0.42 resolved the problem for me. Hope this helps someone else.