Hello and greetings from Suuth Africa.
I am an avid user of SCADABR with modbus serial and TCP.
I now use a GPRS modem with arduino and want to use the HTTP receiver functionality, but without any luck.
I use ngrok to tunnel my localhost and I can see that it ports to SCADABR succesfully using GET with simple values. However I cannot get any data into SCADABR and the HTTP receiver listener does not show any data.
Below is output from ngrok, clearly showing data was successfully transmitted to …ScadaBR/httpds as per the help file.
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
615 1 0.04 0.05 1.27 2.41
HTTP Requests
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
HEAD /ScadaBR/httpds 200 OK
The arduino output also show that it was transmitted
+HTTPACTION: 1,200,25
Unconsumed key: testKey
So what could I possibly be doing wrong in SCADABR?
I hope someone can give me a few pointers… very frustrating.
Its a pity SCADABR is not developed further (HMI etc) for normal users who develop processes etc and not developers… It is a really great platform.
Regards, Jan