Erro 404 - ScadaBR 1.2

Olá, pessoal!
Tudo bem?

Estou com um problema para utilizar o ScadaBR 1.2. Baixei o Java jdk8u345-b01 e o Tomcat Apache Tomcat/9.0.65, porém está dando o erro “HTTP Status 404 – Não Encontrado”. Alguém consegue me ajudar por favor?


1 curtida

De acordo com algumas instruções que vi para o SCADABR de versões anteriores, você deve ter configurado a porta 8080 e ela deve estar sendo utilizada para outro serviço.
Para verificar isso, abra o CMD e digite: netstat -o -n -a / verifique se exsite algum serviço utilizando a porta 8080.
Se houver, faça o seguinte, procure [C:\Program Files\ScadaBR\tomcat\conf ] nesse caminho e abra o arquivo server.xml (em bloco de notas).
Procure a linha [ Connector port=“8080” protocol=“HTTP/1.1”
!-- A “Connector” using the shared thread pool–
Connector executor=“tomcatThreadPool”
port=“8080” protocol=“HTTP/1.1”
redirectPort=“8443” /]
Mude o número da porta 8080 para algum número que você não esteja utilizando (8081 / 8090 / etc).
Provavelmente o arquivo não deixará você gravar, logo a dica é, transfira o arquivo para área de trabalho, mude e grave-o. Transfira novamente para pasta.
Ao iniciar o SCADABR digite: localhost:“número digitado no arquivo”/ScadaBR.
Pronto, acredito que funcionará.

Hi good morning. I hope my answer might help you and/or someone else.
It sounds like you configured the tomcat webserver right, because you should normally only receive the Error 404 when connected to the right port on the /opt/ScadaBR/tomcat/conf file.

Try to type in localhost:(your chosen port)/scadabr/login.htm

When I typed in localhost:(my chosen port)/scadabr I was greeted with the same 404 message as you.

Alternatively, go to localhost:(your chosen port) and you should be greeted with an Apache Tomcat webserver page that greets you on installing properly. Click on Manager App and then ScadaBR under the directories and you should be greeted with the same login page. Then bookmark that into your browser.

Check at lig files in folder logs … examplw: catalina.out for any message with error and put here

Hi, I think you were replying to me. But, I have figured the installation problem out and the information I posted above is supposed to be relevant information for someone with this Error 404 problem.

Tomcat shows the error 404 for any reason.

I say to you to open the tomcat logs and check the error.

Tell me more about your installation:
-What is your ScadaBR Version?
-Is Windows or Linux?
-What Java is in use?
-Are you using MySQL or just Derby?

At ScadaBR folder you will find a folder named logs
inside this Folder you will find a lot of files, stop tomcat service and…
Create a new folder named old.
move all files on logs folder to old folder.
restart tomcat server. try Open ScadaBR again.
got 404 error, open again the logs files. You will find new and updated log files again…

look for any file named catalina.out ou catalina_2022-12-… .log.

Open this file. you will find a lot of lines, each line is a info about how tomcat work. Look for any line with ERROR ou WARN message.

Put these lines here. And we will have hints about your problem.

I think we are having a miscommunication. I have posted above to say it works for me and I have included information to solve the 404 error. (Apache Tomcat 9.0.52 On a Linux machine)

My installation already works and I no longer receive a 404 error when using ScadaBR.
