Good day, sorry for my English but I’m using a translator. I have a question about displaying data after a decimal point. I’ll give you an example: the temperature I read from the PLC controller is 235 (23.5C).
To display the temperature like this, I multiply 0.1. The data is displayed correctly but 23.5 but sometimes it displays garbage in the form of 23.50000000000003. How can I fix this?

Good morning, my friend.
Yes, you can change this property. Go to the datapoint screen. In the lower field, there is a place where you select the format. Just enter 0.0 and it will use the number with a maximum of one digit after the comma.
yes, thank you, that’s what I was looking for. Do you know any way to create a 4-position switch? I want to control the operation of the control panel, but the control is done by entering values from 0-off 1 first gear, 2 gear, 3 auto mode in the holding modbus register. Currently I enter them manually, but is there a way to make a switch?
Well, maybe in order not to mix topics I will create a new one.
And I’ll just leave it for posterity where it changes