Data Points Batch Configuration from *.csv file

Dear Experts,

I am planning to monitor solar string inverter via modbus TCP/IP . No of inverter is 30 nos and points per inverter is 50 tags. So total 1500 data point manual entry is too much time consuming and possible typo error will happen during manual entry.

In order to over come these manual entry of individual data points . can we upload pre-configured *.csv file with slave id, data point name, address, function code etc…

Does anyone executed such java script? Looking forward your feedback and ideas.


Look at json functionality and try to make a string that matches your goal.

I think that is possible create a small software to generate a json string and after that import it on scada

Hope was usefull, chers

Hello Jeff,
Thanks for your support. Finally, I imported 2000+ tags via JSON import method.The below video tutorial helped me lot.
