Oi @luan.thoele boa noite!
Desculpe a demora, estive um pouco afastado do desenvolvimento com ScadaBR nos últimos tempos, estou retomando agora e pretendo ser mais ativo no fórum!
Confesso que não me recordo bem dos ajustes que fiz nas bibliotecas que o Celso orientou, mas vou compartilhar o código, que ainda está rodando na aplicação super bem!
Colar o código abaixo em um script para o servidor, lembrando de selecionar a primeira tensão como variável do script, as outras 2 tensões são chamadas via código:
/* @license MIT */
// Points to be included in chart (ID or XID)
var reading_points = [ point.id, 465, 466];
// Color of each series in the graph
// (the position of each color corresponds
// to a point in "reading_array" variable)
var series_colors = [ '#334662', '#658AC2', '#79A5E8' ];
// Description of each series in the graph
// (each description corresponds to a point
// in "reading_array" variable)
var descriptions = [ 'Va', 'Vb', 'Vc' ];
// Time unit adopted in chart:
// 0 -> Seconds
// 1 -> Minutes
// 2 -> Hours
var time_unit = 2;
// Time period adopted in chart (in the unit
// specified by "time_unit" variable)
var time_value = 50;
// Customize chart size (in pixels)
var height = 350;
var width = 450;
// Configure chart title
var show_title = true;
var title = 'Medidor Geral - Tensões [V]';
// Start Y-axis always at 0
var begin_Y_at_zero = false;
// Enable chart animations
var enable_animations = true;
var invalid_message = "is not a numeric, multistate or binary datapoint";
var invalid_html = "";
// Get datapoint identifiers (ID/XID)
function getDataPointIds(identifier) {
var dpDAO = new com.serotonin.mango.db.dao.DataPointDao();
var dp = dpDAO.getDataPoint(identifier);
var point_id = dp.getId();
var point_xid = String(dp.getXid());
return { id: point_id, xid: point_xid };
// Get data point type
function getDataPointType(identifier) {
var types = {
1: "BINARY",
5: "IMAGE"
var dpDAO = new com.serotonin.mango.db.dao.DataPointDao();
var dp = dpDAO.getDataPoint(identifier);
var locator = dp.getPointLocator();
return types[locator.getDataTypeId()];
// Get data points' values and times
function readPoints(id) {
// Units: Second, minute, hour
var unit_values = [ 1000, 60000, 360000];
var index = (time_unit > 3) ? 0 : time_unit;
var since = new Date().getTime() - (time_value * unit_values[index]);
var val = new com.serotonin.mango.db.dao.PointValueDao();
return val.getPointValues(id, since);
// Create a JSON array with a point value history
function createDataArray(obj, is_binary) {
var foo = '[';
var size = obj.size() - 1;
for (var i = size; i >= 0; i--) {
var time = obj.get(i).time;
var value = obj.get(i).value;
if (is_binary)
value = String(value) == "true" ? 1 : 0;
foo += '{"x":' + time + ',';
foo += '"y":"' + value + '"}';
if (i != 0) {
foo += ',';
foo += ']';
return foo;
// Create a JSON object compatible with Chart.js "datasets"
function createJSONDatasets() {
var size = reading_points.length;
var foo = '[';
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var is_binary = false;
var dp_id = getDataPointIds(reading_points[i]).id;
var dp_type = getDataPointType(dp_id);
var point_values = readPoints(dp_id);
// Don't include non numeric datapoints in array
if (dp_type == "BINARY") {
is_binary = true;
} else if (dp_type != "NUMERIC" && dp_type != "MULTISTATE") {
invalid_html += descriptions[i] + ": " + invalid_message + "<br>";
if (foo != '[')
foo += ',';
var reading_array = createDataArray(point_values, is_binary);
foo += '{';
foo += '"label":"' + descriptions[i] + '",';
foo += '"fill": false,';
foo += '"data":' + reading_array + ',';
foo += '"backgroundColor":"' + series_colors[i] + '",';
foo += '"borderColor":"' + series_colors[i] + '"';
foo += '}';
foo += ']';
return foo;
// Create a JSON string that can be interpreted
// by FUScaBR library
function createFinalJSON() {
var foo = '';
foo += '{';
// Specific FUScaBR options
foo += '"height":"' + height + '",';
foo += '"width":"' + width + '",';
foo += '"beginAtZero":' + begin_Y_at_zero + ',';
foo += '"timeBased":true,';
foo += '"animations":' + enable_animations + ',';
foo += '"showTitle":' + show_title + ',';
foo += '"title":"' + title + '",';
// Chart.js options
foo += '"type":"line",';
foo += '"data":{';
foo += '"datasets":' + createJSONDatasets();
foo += '}';
foo += '}';
return foo;
var s = "<input class='fuscabr-chart-data' type='hidden' value='" + createFinalJSON() + "' >";
if (invalid_html.length)
s += invalid_html;
/* Uncomment the line below to show the generated JSON code */
//s += "<div style='width: 500px;'>" + createFinalJSON() + "</div>";
return s;